The SABOA is a nonprofit organization, and no part of the net earnings of the SABOA shall benefit any member of the Executive Committee or any other individual except that the SABOA may make payments of reasonable compensation for services rendered. The SABOA has a chapter constitution and bylaws to govern administrative and procedural matters. Bylaws shall not conflict with this Constitution.
The Executive Committee has adopted the SABOA policies below. These policies may be revised as necessary, by the Board, to conform to such needs as may arise. It is the intent of the Board that SABOA members follow these policies and that each member have access to these via the SABOA website. Any member who desires to recommend change or suggest a new policy can do so in writing to the President, Executive Committee, or their Group Representative. These Policies follow the Bylaws in their structure and will be reviewed and reissued as needed by the Board.
The Executive Committee has adopted the SABOA policies below. These policies may be revised as necessary, by the Board, to conform to such needs as may arise. It is the intent of the Board that SABOA members follow these policies and that each member have access to these via the SABOA website. Any member who desires to recommend change or suggest a new policy can do so in writing to the President, Executive Committee, or their Group Representative. These Policies follow the Bylaws in their structure and will be reviewed and reissued as needed by the Board.